Monday, November 11, 2013

Mushy Monday...

a little belly full of food.....and out like a light.....

Friday, November 8, 2013


Halloween was a special time this year for Saffron.  She was allowed to wear a costume to school, she decided this year on being Super-Girl.  I found an adorable costume (on sale), and even after Halloween, I have seen her in it playing dress up.


It's Super-Girl....

I was so happy to have lunch with Sebastian at his school Kids Korner.

Saffron's favorite teacher..... Ms. Carrie.

2nd stop, Irma's house...

Saffron only went to two houses this year, to both of her teachers from Brighter Beginnings.....then she was ready to go home.  It was cold and rainy that day.  Derek and Sebastian went out after that.

What we had to hand out this year......

Saffron really enjoyed staying home and handing out all the candy.

My beautiful (grownup) little girl...

Saffron singing me a Halloween song between Trick-or-treaters

Saffron sneaking candy out of the candy bowl.

The kids sharing some candy with daddy before bed.

Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween.....

Thursday, November 7, 2013


I'm not really even sure where I'm to begin on this one.....
I can't say I have writers block, cause I have tons of blogs I could be writing, not only finishing up the Honeymoon Derek and I were able to take in early February, but also about the busy lives we have had over the past few months, but as I sit back and think about what has happened, those past blogs in my head, just don't seem as important anymore.  The past few weeks, or I should say months have been totally focused on Family, the family I was married into, the Blume Family.

We found our about 6weeks ago that my husbands father (my father-in-law) was diagnosed with Lung Cell Cancer.  And while I won't go into all the details of his condition, we as a family at the time, really did not know just how little time we did have left with him.  4weeks, almost to the day, he was with us, and then he was gone.  I wish I could turn back time, and spend more time with him, take more pictures of him, and just let him know how much he meant to us all.  Dad died surrounded by his loving family on June 7th, and we said our last goodbyes on June 11th.  

I started this blog only a few weeks after Derek's dad had died, and there is not one day that goes by that we don't think about him, and the wonderful man that he was.  I cherish all the years I was able to know him, spend time with him, and to be called his daughter-in-law.  He was an amazing man, and he had many friends, family, and loved ones.  He could make you laugh, with kind nature, and good jokes.  Makes me smile to have known such a wonderful man, I miss him so much.  I know every time I see a rainbow he will be there, smiling down on us all.

Champagne Anyone?

Can you taste it?
Can you smell it?

Derek and I had the opportnity to vist the Korbel Champagne Winery back in February of this year for our wonderful honeymooon.

a very old Redwood right next to the original train station of the winery.

in the distance you can see just a handful of the Korbel vineyards.....

The place where we took our honeymoon was in the heart of wine country, we were both amazed to see miles and miles of vineyards along HWY 12 in Sonoma County, CA.

(Derek walking away from our rental car)

overview of the original plantation......I can't recall how many acres of land they own....I know it was a lot....

One of the perks of taking a wine tasting!!

A very large bottle (full of actual champagne) they earned as a reward for best tasting.

In the distance the main house of the owners of Korbel.....

Tasting time......

Making Memories...

Not sure where to begin.....
because I'm not really sure where I left off....
So many random thoughts running through my head, and no where for them to go.

I sit back and think of the last post I wrote, back in May of this year, and all the posts I wanted to write from that date in time to present day today.  So many things have happened since then, it would take me the rest of the year to write them all down.  I know I have so much to tell you all, so many pictures to show you, and I time.

Our kids, and family have been so much a part of us over these last few months.
Family has been our life, it what makes us get up and out of bed everyday.  It's what makes us who we are.....

I'm so blessed to be a stay at home mom to two beautiful children, and a wife to a wonderful man.
Life with these 3 (and the dogs) make my life complete....

Thursday, May 16, 2013

A Picture is Worth a 1,000 Words

or questions...?????
as to what my 4yr old thought was worth taking.....
(before you adjust your screen, note....these were taken on a kids camera!)

I came across these when I was looking through some old pics....